We have just delamont and should be back about 1pm. A fab trip, the kids were brilliant and we're a joy to take away. Hope you enjoyed the blog! Over and out!
Friday, 27 May 2016
Monkeying around!
We took a wee group who took wanted to climb to the climbing wall this morning for one last activity. The rest fancied another blast at the adventure playpark. Back for a quick bite of lunch before leaving at 12.
Final morning
We are all up! Some are still half asleep - but we are all up nonetheless!! Breakfast time now before the big tidy up and bag pack!!
Thursday, 26 May 2016
Chirpy chirpy cheep cheep!
Pier jumping!
We had plenty of brave jumpers, spinners, kung fu kickers, cartwheelers, straddle jumpers and plenty who have perfected falling with style!
Wednesday, 25 May 2016
Here are 4 intrepid travellers who have finally seen the light and reached the end of the nightline!
Early to rise
What is that we'll known saying? 'The early bird catches the only chance he can to have a cup of coffee in peace before the horde of chatterboxes awaken'. Something like that anyway!! It's a wet, drizzly morning here in Delamont. But still a lovely view to wake up to. the day ahead will include wall climbing, archery, adventure walking in tollymore, swimming, McDonald's, a night walk and maybe even a talent show! All we got to do now is to unearth the talent!
Playpark time!!
A beautiful evening at the adventure playpark!! After this we will have some supper, do the night line and have a sing song round the campfire!!